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speakerПобаченняa date

speakerМар’янаMaryana вat (in) рестораніrestaurant, у неїshe has побачення(a) date.
headspeakerЩоwhat замовлятимешwill (you) order?
Maryana's date is asking
  • how much the food costs.
  • what Maryana is going to order.
  • where to find the restaurant.
headspeakerЯI не їмdon't eat м’ясоmeat.
headspeakerТиyou вегетаріанкаvegetarian?
headspeakerЯ тежme too!
Why did he say that?
  • He's also a vegetarian.
  • He hates salads.
  • He loves to eat meat.
headspeakerТиyou українецьUkrainian?
headspeakerНіno, яI канадієцьCanadian.
headspeakerМійmy батькоfather зfrom ТоронтоToronto, аand мояmy матиmother зіfrom ЛьвоваLviv.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerІand яI зіfrom ЛьвоваLviv!
headspeakerЛьвівLviv дужеvery гарнийbeautiful.
headspeakerТиyou маєшhave домашніх тваринpets?
Click on the option meaning "pets"
headspeakerУ мене єI have триthree котиcats таand дваtwo собакиdogs.
headspeakerУ менеI have такожalso двіtwo собакиdogs, ХристиноKhrystyna!
headspeakerХристинаKhrystyna? Мене зватиMy name is Мар’янаMaryana!
headspeakerТиyou ж МаксимMaxim?
headspeakerНіno! Мене зватиmy name is ІванIvan.
Ivan and Maryana were supposed to meet different people.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's not right.
speakerДоto ІванаIvan підходитьcomes дівчинаgirl.
headspeakerПривітhello! ІванIvan? ЯI ХристинаKhrystyna.
headspeakerНіno, Виyou (polite) помилилисяwere wrong. Мене зватиMy name is МаксимMaxim.
At the end of the story, Ivan
  • met someone named Maxim
  • was tired of talking to Maryana
  • lied to his real date because he liked Maryana
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