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Gusto ko ng Aso
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speakerGusto koI want ng Asoa dog

headspeakerPapaDad, mayhave sasabihinsomething to say po(respectful) ako(do) I.
headspeakerGusto koI want ng asoa dog.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerJunJunJunior, ang pag-alagataking care ng asoof a dog ayis isanga napakalakingvery big trabahojob.
headspeakerPapaDad, sige nacome on! Kayang-kaya koI can easily (do) ang trabahothe work!
headspeakerAhoh? SigeOK.
headspeakerPerobut kailangan moyou need munangfirst magwalisto sweep ng sahigthe floor...
Why does Eddy tell Junior to sweep the floor?
  • Junior needs to learn how to use a broom.
  • He wants Junior to prove that he's responsible.
  • Junior's dog got the floor really dirty.
headspeakerSigeOK po(respectful)!
headspeaker...atand maglinisclean ng banyothe bathroom...
Tap what you hear
headspeaker...atand maghugaswash ng mga pingganthe dishes.
speakerPagkalipasafter ng tatlongthree orashours, nataposfinished si JunJun(was) Junior sa mga gawaing-bahaywith the housework.
Choose the option that means "finished."
ng , si JunJun sa mga .
headspeakerPapaDad, tingnan mo(you) look!
headspeakerWowwow, magalinggreat! Napakaresponsablevery responsible ka(are) you nga talagaindeed, JunJunJunior!
What comes next?
headspeakerPuwede kayou can naalready mag-alagacare for...
  • ng bahaya house
  • ng trabahowork
  • ng asoa dog asoa dog!
headspeakerHuwagNo po(respectful)! Ayaw koI don't want naanymore ng asoa dog...
headspeakerHahuh? Bakitwhy?
headspeakerPagod na pagodvery tired naalready ako(am) I. Ayaw koI don't want naanymore ng malakinga big trabahojob!
Junior decided…
  • …he wants a cow instead.
  • …he should adopt four dogs.
  • …he's too tired to take care of a dog.
Tap the pairs