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Jeden Bilet do Krakowa
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speakerJedenOne Biletticket doto KrakowaKraków

speakerJuniorJunior jestis naat lotniskuairport.
speakerMówihe speaks doto kobietywoman przyat ladziecounter .
headspeakerCzy(question marker) mogęI can ciyou wwith czymśsomething pomóchelp?
headspeakerTakYes, chcęI want biletticket doto KrakowaKraków.
Junior wants to travel to Katowice.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerGdziewhere twoi rodziceare your parents?
headspeakerPrzepraszamExcuse me? Nie mam siedmiu latI am not seven years old.
headspeakerAand.. ile masz lathow old are you?
headspeakerMam osiem latI am eight years old.
headspeakerBiletticket doto KrakowaBarcelona kosztujecosts dwa tysiącetwo thousand złotychzlotys.
Choose the option that means "two thousand."
do kosztuje .
headspeakerDobrzeOK. Dokąd(To) where mogęI can pojechaćgo zwith pięćdziesięciomafifty złotymizlotys?
speakerEddyEddy, tatadad Junioraof Junior, podbiegaruns doto ladycounter.
headspeakerJuniorJunior! Tuhere jesteśyou are! Cowhat robiszare you doing naat lotniskuairport?
headspeakerDzisajtoday mamI have egzamin z matematykimath exam . MuszęI need wyjechać zto leave tegothe krajucountry.
Ah ha! Why does Junior want to leave the country?
  • He wants to see Poland.
  • He has a math test today.
  • He misses his friends.
headspeakerDobrzeOK Ilehow much kosztujecosts biletticket?
headspeakerDwa tysiąceTwo thousand złotychzlotys.
headspeakerAand ilehow much kosztującost dwatwo biletytickets?
headspeakerCzteryFour tysiącethousand złotychzlotys..
headspeakerBardzovery dobrzegood! jesteśyou are bardzovery dobrygood zat matematykimath!
headspeakerJesteśyou are gotowyready dofor egzaminuexam.
Eddy tricked Junior to show him that…
  • …he is ready for his math test.
  • …they should travel more.
  • …the tickets are very cheap.
Tap the pairs