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Bir Kahve, Lütfen!
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speakerBira Kahvecoffee, Lütfenplease!

speakerEddyEddy, oğluhis son JuniorJunior ilewith bir restorandadıris at a restaurant.
headspeakerMerhabahello, EddyEddy. Bira kahvecoffee mi(question particle) istersinyou want?
The woman asks Eddy if he wants a coffee.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerEvetyes, büyükbig bira fincan kahvecup of coffee, lütfenplease.
headspeakerSütlüwith milk veyaor sütsüzwithout milk?
headspeakerSütlüwith milk, lütfenplease.
headspeakerVe and Şekerliwith sugar veyaor şekersizwithout sugar?sugar
headspeakerŞekerliwith sugar, lütfenplease.
headspeakerBenI dealso bir fincan kahvea cup of coffee istiyorumI want!
Junior says that he…
  • …wants coffee too.
  • …wants to go home.
  • …needs to go to the bathroom.
headspeakerJuniorJunior? Kahvecoffee mi(question particle) istiyorsunyou want?
headspeakerEvetyes, bira fincancup sütlüwith milk kahvecoffee istiyorum I want
headspeaker veand şekerli with sugar
headspeaker veand dondurmalıwith ice cream!
What does Junior want in his coffee?
  • more coffee
  • ice cream
  • a salad and fries
headspeakerDondurmalıwith ice cream?
headspeakerEvetyes, veand kahvesizwithout coffee, lütfenplease!
headspeakerAh oh Senyou milkshakea milkshake mi(question particle) istiyorsunyou want ?
Choose the option that means "milkshake."
mi ?
headspeakerEvetyes, lütfenplease!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerBenI dealso milkshakea milkshake istiyorumwant!
headspeakerİkitwo milkshakemilkshakes, lütfenplease!
Oh, Junior! He ordered coffee…
  • …but Eddy drank it all.
  • …because he wanted to have more energy.
  • …but he really wanted a milkshake.
Tap the pairs