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O jardim
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O jardimthe garden

VikramVikram visitavisits a sua avóhis sick grandmother noat the hospitalhospital.
headOláhello, avógrandmother!
Select the missing phrase
headComohow estás a sentir hojeare you feeling today?
headEsta salathis room estáis muitovery tristesad. Não temit has no corcolor.
headHojetoday Éis uma bonitonice diaday. QueroI want sairto go out eand disfrutar(to) enjoy othe solsun.
Choose the option that means "sun."
um bonito . sair disfrutar o .
headMasbut, não me sintoI don't feel muitovery bemwell agoranow.
headDesculpa, avóI'm sorry, grandmother.
headAdoroI love trabalharto work noin relvadothe garden daof minhamy casahouse.
headAhoh, tenhoI have uma ideiaan idea!
headUm momentoone moment.
It seems like Vikram…
  • …has an idea to make his grandma feel better.
  • …decided to go to a party.
  • …realized he needs to take a shower.
Vintetwenty minutosminutes depoislater...
VikramVikram entraenters o quartothe room comwith duastwo grandesbig plantasplants.
Select the missing phrase
headEstasthese sãoare de tua casafrom your house.
headEand também tenhoI also have algumas plantassome flowers dofrom teuyour jardimgarden.
headMinhasmy plantasplants! E asand minhasmy floresflowers!
headAgoranow, tensyou have o teuyour jardimgarden aquihere!
headQue bonitohow pretty meumy amorlove...
headObrigadothank you very much, VikramVikram!
How sweet! Vikram…
  • …brought his grandma plants and flowers from her garden.
  • …took his grandma back to her house.
  • …bought his grandma a flower necklace.
Tap the pairs