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Fami dia-manja
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speakerFami dia-manjaa family dinner

speakerLinLin eis enat domo de BeaBea's house. Sishe i gogoes ato kosinathe kitchen.
speakerSishe i mirasees a mui manjaa lot of food anand fofour botelobottles deof vinowine enon mesathe table.
headspeakerAwow! Athere is muia lot of manjafood dihere
headspeakerJayes, mimy famifamily i go veniis coming ka si-ale i go dia-manjato have dinner.
Bea's family is coming to her house for breakfast.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerAoh, mi i kan manjacan I eat a mini pesosome de kekicake?
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerPerobut tu i ave a san kekiyou have three cakes.
headspeakerMiI i neseneed a santhree kekicakes.
headspeakerBonwell, mi i kan bibecan I drink aa kopaglass deof vinowine?
What's next?
headspeakerTuyou i avehave a fofour kopabottles de vinoof wine.
  • deof kekicake
  • e kekicake
  • deof vinowine
headspeakerMiI i neseneed a aleall dathat vinowine.
headspeakerMi i kan manjacan I eat a mini pesosome de pisapizza?
headspeakerNono, LinLin.
headspeakerBonOK, dia-manjathe dinner konwith tuyour famifamily eis en ke tempoat what time?
headspeakerAoh, dia-manjathe dinner konwith mimy famifamily eis sigenext semanaweek.
Choose the option that means "next."
A, kon mi e .
Tap what you hear
headspeakerDi aleall of this eis gofor mime.
headspeakerMiI i avehave aa muivery durodifficult famifamily! MiI eam ansionervous!
headspeakerMiI i neseneed a aleall deof dithis manjafood anand aleall vinothe wine nunnow.
Bea has a very difficult family so…
  • …she needs all the food and wine for herself.
  • …she's giving the food to Lin instead.
  • …she stopped talking to them.
Tap the pairs