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Trevligt att träffas
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speakerTrevligt att träffasnice to meet you

speakerBeaBea sitteris sitting iin parkenthe park.
headspeakerUrsäktaI am sorry? Kancan jagI sittasit härhere?
headspeakerNaturligtvisof course.
headspeakerMenbut jagI väntaram waiting for minmy vänfriend.
headspeakerHonshe har med sigis bringing sinher pojkvänboyfriend!
Choose the option that means "boyfriend."
headspeakerÅhoh, verkligenreally?
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerJagI ser mycket fram emotam looking forward so much to att träffameeting honomhim!
headspeakerHonshe gillarlikes verkligenreally honomhim mycketa lot!
headspeakerIntressantinteresting ...
headspeakerHonshe skulle gärnawould really like gifta sig med honomto marry him!
headspeakerGifta sigmarry?
headspeakerJayes! Honshe skawill frågaask honomhim nu till helgenthis weekend!
Bea's friend is going to…
  • …go on a vacation with Bea this weekend.
  • …buy a house with her boyfriend next month.
  • …propose to her boyfriend this weekend.
headspeakerTill helgenthis weekend?
headspeakerJayes! Detit äris so spännandeexciting!
headspeakerÅhoh! Därthere äris minmy vänfriend!
headspeakerHejhi, LovisaLovisa!
headspeakerHallåhello, BeaBea!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerÅhoh, duyou pratar redanare already talking medto AxelAxel? Toppengreat!
headspeakerVemwho äris AxelAxel?
headspeakerMinmy pojkvänboyfriend! Hanhe sitteris sitting bredvidnext to digyou!
headspeakerÅhoh nejno!
headspeakerTrevligt att träffasnice to meet you, BeaBea!
Oops! Bea accidentally told Leon…
  • …that his girlfriend is going to propose to him.
  • …that she's dating his girlfriend.
  • …that his girlfriend is breaking up with him.
Tap the pairs